How Does FLOW Work?
Friends of Lake of the Woods is a group of homeowners in our community who facilitate projects for LOW. It is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that accepts donations for the organization, or for specific projects, to offset the cost of the project and keep our annual assessment lower. Projects are driven by community members who organize their group for fund-raising. The group is asked to propose a project by filling out the “Initiate a Project” form available on the FLOW website and submit it to the FLOW Board for approval. The project proposal is then taken to the Lake of the Woods Board of Directors and Management for final approval. Once the project is approved, FLOW helps the organization or individuals run a fund-raising campaign to achieve the project goals. Projects need to be completed within 1 year but may be extended upon request. After a project is completed, it becomes a part of Lake of the Woods amenities and will be maintained by LOW maintenance or by the project initiators.