The Equestrian Committee will continue offering riding lesson scholarships to
students interested in horses and learning how to ride this fall. Students will learn
balance, coordination, perseverance, and courage.
Riding is a wonderful outdoor sport but can be expensive and consequently not
available to everyone. Qualifications: Applicants (ages 7-18) must have parental
approval, live in the LOW community, and complete an application that includes a
paragraph on why they want to be selected. Participants will be selected (based on need
and interest) by a rotating working group of three Equestrian Committee members. The
application may be picked up at the Holcomb Building or downloaded from the following
website location: The application submission
deadline is Friday, October 6, 2023. Instructions for submission are set forth on the
application itself.
A Riding Lesson Scholarship would cover the cost of a block of five riding lessons
(valued at $245) at the LOW Equestrian Center to be given by our qualified trainers
who have extensive horse knowledge, great interpersonal skills, and dedication to the
job and horses.
This project is being supported by Friends of Lake of the Woods (FLOW), a nonprofit
501(c)(3) charitable organization that raises donations to enhance community
projects that are not budgeted by LOWA but have received the Board’s approval.
Anyone wishing to make a tax-deductible contribution toward the Youth Riding
Scholarship Program may do so by contacting FLOW.
Category: New Projects
FLOW and the Equestrian Committee are working to make equestrian scholarships a reality.
FLOW is sponsoring a scholarship program with the Lake of the Woods Equestrian Center. The Equestrian Center does great job of offering ponyand horse-related events to the LOWA community including four horse shows per year; summer pony camp, pony and trail rides as well as birthday parties at the stables. Many children in the community want to learn to ride but lack the finances to do so. A Silent Auction is scheduled this year to award scholarships offering five lessons valued at $245 per lesson. The equestrian project underway. “