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Rave-Ons Return to LOW in Fall
Todd Meredith & The Rave-Ons return to Lake of the Woods for two spectacular performances in September, 2023! Known for their high energy rock and roll, and Buddy Holly repertoire; the Rave-Ons sell out quickly so make sure to put September 22 & 23 on your calendars NOW. Then watch for tickets to go on sale through TIX.

A Beer & Pretzel Party, originally scheduled for August 28 was delayed to September 3rd due to inclement weather. It helped raise $2,932.25 with ticket sales, donations, raffle, and gift basket auctions for shade structures at the clubhouse pool. We sold 143 tickets Although the live music country singer Kathy Johnson was unable to perform due to the date change; attendees still enjoyed line dancing led by Christine Bregar. Hosted by Pools Committee and FLOW. Shade structures will be up and in working condition this spring!

July 2021, the Pools Committee & FLOW had a beautiful evening supporting new shade structures with wine and cheese at the Clubhouse Pool.
May 2019, Woodworkers Put Some Shade on the Dog Park, Lake Currents article (PDF)
50th Anniversary, Lake Currents article (PDF)
TV18 Project, Lake Currents article (PDF)Augus
Rave-Ons Played for LOW, Lake Currents article (PDF)
LOWA 50th Anniversary, Lake Currents article (PDF)
February 2016, Opportunity Comes Knocking at LOW, Lake Currents article (PDF)
November 11, 2016, November 11, 2016, Consider Transferring Your RMD to Charity, Lake Currents article (PDF)
November 25, 2016, Give Appreciated Stock to Charity?, Lake Currents article (PDF)
December 9, 2016, Donate to Charity and Benefit LOW, Lake Currents article (PDF)