FLOW (Friends of Lake of the Woods) and PCAC (Pools and Community
Activities Committee) are pleased to report that a good and relaxing time was
had by all– the weather was clear, beer cold, wine flowed, and the snacks
abundant. Neighbors and friends visited and enjoyed the live music performed
by Kathy Johnson of Nashville. There was a surprise performance by the Water
Fitness Class Chorus when they sang backup for Kathy on The Egg Song.
There was an unprecedented 99% turnout of the ticket purchasers, and
very generous 50/50 Raffle action. The raffle winner was Mike Derreberry,
and the consolation flamingo gift basket winner was Austin Jennings.
Due to the generosity of our LOW neighbors, we met our goal for the two
benches for the shower areas of the Clubhouse Pool bathrooms, and may
even have enough for a third bench in the Sweetbriar Pool men’s restroom
shower. If not, there’s always next year…