Upcoming Events!

Coming to LOW on Saturday March 7, 2025 for a children’s performance at 2 PM and an ADULTS ONLY performance at 7 PM. Watch this space, the Lake Currents, and social media for further information.
Past Events

Happy Hours at New Lions Pavilion at Hollyfield Park!

On Saturday, October 12, 2019, LOW Lions & FLOW had HAPPY HOURS to raise money for the 2020 LOW Lions Pavilion at Hollyfield Park.
2019 Concert on the Point
At the May 24 Concert on the Point, the 50/50 raffle held by FLOW raised $930 for the Happy Tails Dog Park shade project. Pictured are drawing winner Ciera Brooks and her daughter flanked by (L) Sharon Forest, Happy Tails Dog Club member, and (R) Bren Anderson, president of FLOW.
Fundraising kicked off on May 19 with a Dog Park Photo Shoot organized by Happy
Tails members and local photographer Dan Reams, who donated his time and talents.
At the Concert on the Point on May 24, the 50/50 raffle held by FLOW for the benefit of
this project netted $930.
Rave-Ons Concerts in 2017 and 2018

funded much of the 50th year celebrations.

Two sold-out Rave-Ons Concerts held in December 2018, along with generous donations from supporters,
provided over $14,000 for additional equipment for the new Fitness Center.
Summer 2018 Wine and Cheese

A Wine and Cheese social was sponsored by FLOW and organized by the Pools Committee on the evening of June 16th. Held at the Sweetbriar Pool, proceeds paid for a Lifeguard Appreciation Event and swim lessons for Lake of the Woods children facing challenges.
2018 Concert on the Point

FLOW helped sponsor the first Summer Concert on the Point on May 25, 2018 featuring the Dave Goodrich 3D Trio by setting up and cleaning up for record crowds attending this popular series. They also sold 50/50 raffle tickets.
At left, Wendy Wolfrey receives $750 from Jim Walsh, then-President of Friends of Lake of the Woods, for holding the winning 50/50 ticket. Others pictured (L-R) are FLOW board members Nancy King, Pam Schubert, Larry Morlan (former) and Bren Anderson.
July 4 Parade, 2017

This float was funded by FLOW for the 50th Anniversary of FLOW in 2017. Almost all money raised that year for celebrations were donated via FLOW.
Red, White, Bleu & Brew

In 2017, FLOW was at Red, White, Bleu & Brew located across from the main gate of Lake of the Woods for a fund raising event for Friends of Lake of the Woods (FLOW) and Channel 18. Ten percent (10%) of all purchases between these hours was donated to enable both enterprises to continue their missions.
2017 Concert at the Point

The first Concert at the Point of the 2017 season hosted by FLOW on Friday, May 26, at Clubhouse Point was a huge success! Reunion Band provided music to kick off the summer concert season. The 50/50 opportunity raised a total of close to $900, with almost $450 going to FLOW to further enhance our amenities, facilities, and beautification projects.