
Initiation Overview and Guidelines

If you have a project you believe should be funded, please contact a FLOW board member first.

Projects can be additions or enhancements to LOWA amenities, facilities and common area infrastructure or community projects and will be prioritized by the FLOW Board of Directors.

Project funding can be for the total cost or partial cost and should be identified in the agreement with LOWA.

Ideas for projects to be funded can come from anywhere within the community, such as members, committees, clubs or management. The only requirement is that both the LOWA and FLOW board of directors endorse the project.

Following approval, project donations will only be accepted for a 12-month period, unless the Boards of FLOW and LOWA vote an extension or added funding. No project approval will be extended beyond a two-year period.

How to Donate to a Specific Project

Step 1: Secure FLOW and LOWA endorsement by filling out the Specific Project Application.

Step 2: Once approved, members should start to accumulate individual donations to fund the specific projects amount. Remember, each project has a 12-month approval period.

Step 3: Attach your check(s) or provide credit card information and make a one-time submission of funds to FLOW. Important: Please include a list of all the individual donors so that FLOW can provide gift documentation for income tax purposes and forward monies to LOWA or LOWA vendors to fund the specific project.

Step 4: Give your form, payment, and donor list to a FLOW board member.